Millennials became the largest working generation in the United Stated and lots of the brands have begun targeting them. The proliferation of the marketplace has spoiled the customers. Standing out as a brand is more difficult than ever.
To help YETI stand out and become a brand that Millennials value and respect
Secondary research on Millennials attitude toward business associated with a good cause and correlation between their purchasing decisions to the responsible efforts a company is making
Secondary research on causes in which a company may participate and their ranking
In-depth interviews with people who have already purchased YETI products
Millennials correlate their purchasing decisions to the responsible efforts that a company is making and its level of engagement with customers
Let your social responsibility shine!
To embrace the outdoorsy spirit of the brand and to show Millennials that Yeti cares about the sustainability
Ian is a 30-year-old IT developer, earns $100K and is currently single. When Ian is not working, he pursues his true passions, hiking and camping in the great outdoors. A typical day when is not working, he wakes up and gets ready for the weekend out of the city. He is driving his Jeep and picks up his friend on the way to a National park. They set up camp, leave their stuff at the tent and go on a hike. In the evening, they return to the camp, cook sausages on the fire and get cold Shiner beer
Being an outdoor oriented company, Yeti would provide trash bags and handlers for them with its coolers, where customers can collect their trash during different outdoor activities like fishing or camping and therefore, protect nature
McGarrah Jessee, Strategy, Phone Interviews,
Survey, Secondary Research, Presentation, Personas,
48h: Crash Exercise
Darya Procopovich, Paula Freitas,